There are two ways to resolve issues ↕️
Over the years I’ve learned that unresolved issues cost lots of money and when left unresolved, the cost just keeps going up and up…📈
There are two ways to resolve issues:
1️⃣ The ‘way we’ve always done it’ as per the ‘norm’:
- an Issue/problem arises
- we choose to not recognise it, acknowledge it and/or deal with it
- we choose to ignore it, reject it maybe even park it to the side and leave it there till later…$$$$
- we get on with the day to day tasks, the doing, implementing and focusing on getting things completed
- forget and conveniently ignore the unresolved problem
- hand the problem to someone else
- the problem keeps growing and so does the cost
As a result🚫Nothing gets resolved $$$$
2️⃣A risk management plan. The best weapon for anaylsing and resolving risks efficiently and effectively:
- What are our activities
- who’s involved
- who are our stakeholders
- what can go wrong
- what has gone wrong in the past
- what would cause it to happen
- what would be the consequences should that risk occur
Use the Risk Management Excel Spreadsheet Plan I have attached for you here. This will help:
- identify and understand potential risks
- detail the strategies for dealing with risks
- find ways to minimise their impact
- allocate time and resources to prepare alternative strategies and/or contingencies to manage/mitigate risks
Access the Risk Management Excel Spreadsheet Plan HERE
Print it out. Put in shared areas. Contextualise it. Make it work for you. For your business.
I trust this has been useful and that it brings some value and insights and maybe leads to some action and change around this topic for you.
by Alexandra Egan
Domino Effect Consulting & Facilitating – R.E.S.E.T Your Thinking
Alexandra makes it easy for you to strategically think about, better manage and resolve any challenging situation. If you’re looking for someone to help you plan and prioritise your tasks, CLICK HERE and schedule in a free 30 minute strategy session.