It really matters to put in place a business plan that will serve you and not the other way around.
In my post yesterday I mentioned that one of the many differences between a business that succeeds and a business that fails is preparation and having a plan in place is a strategic approach to preparedness, focus, avoiding risk and completion.
There are three (3) critical steps to sustaining a successful business.
Get really clear about why you are in business. Consider:
➡️Why do you do what you do?
➡️Does your vision and mission excite you?
➡️Is your vision and mission big enough to sustain a successful business?
➡️If not, then what needs to change?
Michael Gerber says, ‘if you are in business to stay the same size, to not grow, to keep going the way you’re going and believe that this will work for you, then you’re kidding yourself. Most businesses have to expand to make it.’
Map out every single function in the business. By function, I don’t mean every job, I mean ‘function’ ie: business owner, marketing, sales, admin, bookkeeping, recruitment, mentoring, coaching, innovation etc.
Workshop it. Write down:
➡️the names of everyone who does each function
➡️what outcomes are you looking for within each of these functions?
➡️what could be delegated?
➡️what is non-core to the business?
Consider the three drivers below:
- How do you intend on getting clients?
- How do you intend on keeping your clients?
- How will they pay you?
Focus on the two factors below:
- Systems
- People
💡Do you have a business plan in place?
💡Does it include an effective strategy for growth?
I trust this has been useful and that it brings some value and insights and maybe leads to some action and change around this topic for you.
If you have any questions or you would like further clarification, please feel free to contact me at any time.
by Alexandra Egan
Domino Effect Consulting & Facilitating – R.E.S.E.T Your Thinking
Alexandra makes it easy for you to strategically think about, better manage and resolve any challenging situation. If you’re looking for someone to help you plan and prioritise your tasks, CLICK HERE and schedule in a free 30 minute strategy session.