Your team is a valuable source of information when planning your project…
Designing the right team and then bringing everyone together regularly really matters, if you want your project to be a success.
👉Who is on your team
👉Are they the right fit for your team and for the success of your project
👉Assess their strengths, weaknessess, what opportunties do they bring to your team – perform a SWOT analysis of your team
👉What is the responsibility of the team individually and as a whole
👉Is everyone clear on goals, objectives and desired outcomes
👉What is each team members interest in the project
👉Assess their power to help or hinder, are they onside or offside?
Everyone who is on your team and who is actively involved, has a role to play and will impact the outcome of your project. So, make sure you choose wisely.
Use the Team Charter I have prepared for you to better manage your next project.
CLiCK HERE to access the Team Charter.
Your feedback is extremely important to me, because I love providing you with great value every time. If you could take a few minutes to provide your feedback, that would be greatly appreciated.
Or you may prefer to to leave a Google review. Simply click below and let me know what you think!
Thankyou in advance for taking the time to leave your feedback and/or a review!
If you have any questions or you would like further clarification, please feel free to contact me at any time.
by Alexandra Egan
Domino Effect Consulting & Facilitating – R.E.S.E.T Your Thinking
Alexandra makes it easy for you to strategically think about, better manage and resolve any challenging situation. If you’re looking for someone to help you plan and prioritise your tasks, CLICK HERE and schedule in a free 30 minute strategy session.