‘Business has only two functions, Marketing and Innovation’ – Professor Peter Drucker, management theorist
How well do you understand people and how they behave? Because being great at marketing and innovation requires sound judgment as well as creativity.
Sound judgement, understanding people, their behaviours and being creative, means developing your skills in analysing things quickly and knowing how to estimate the probable consequences of your day to day decisions.
Importantly, you have to be good at communication, because being able to listen with the intention to understand and explain things clearly and concisely to your management, your employees, your co-workers, your customers, your clients creates and encourages a culture that is responsive to the needs of others.
We make an enormous amount of decisions each day, which affect whether our business, our product, our service will thrive or fail. I wonder:
- How developed are your skills in analysing things quickly?
- Are you creating a culture that is responsive to the needs and wants of those around you?
- What are your strategies for growth?
Take the time. Do a SWOT-T analysis and allow yourself the opportunity to consider what’s going on around you. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This really matters, because it helps to bring in a bit of depth and the opportunity notice the environment around you.
Most people only see what ‘’they are doing’’ and don’t see any further nor do they take the time to notice what’s going on around them. This is very limiting.
Access the ‘SWOT-T PDF’ HERE.
Print it out. Put in shared areas. Contextualise it. Make it work for you. For your team. For your business.
I trust this has been useful and that it brings some value and insights and maybe leads to some action and change around this topic for you.
by Alexandra Egan
Domino Effect Consulting & Facilitating – www.alexandraegan.com.au R.E.S.E.T Your Thinking
Alexandra makes it easy for you to strategically think about, better manage and resolve any challenging situation. If you’re looking for someone to help you plan and prioritise your tasks, CLICK HERE and schedule in a free 30 minute strategy session.